Northamptonshire Police will work hard to rebuild public trust and confidence after the dismissal of Chief Constable Nick Adderley, who has been found to have committed gross misconduct.

This morning (Friday 21 June), an independent panel decided that Chief Constable Nick Adderley had breached the standards of honesty and integrity and should be dismissed without notice and placed on the policing barred list.

Mr Adderley now has 10 days should he wish to appeal.

Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone and Acting Chief Constable Ivan Balhatchet said that while this unprecedented situation put Northamptonshire Police in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons, they share a determination to move the Force forward.

Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone said:

“I respect the Panel’s decision and am grateful for their work on this challenging case, I wish it could have been dealt with more quickly for the sake of everyone involved, but the proper process had to be allowed to take its course. I accept the Panel’s decision that dismissal is the right sanction in this case.

“This case has put Northamptonshire Police in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. We now need to set out to restore a reputation for honesty and integrity, which are fundamental values.

“Police officers are held to very high standards and the expectation of police leaders is even higher – it is their duty to set the tone for the rest of the organisation.

“Failing to uphold these standards is incredibly serious and damaging to public confidence in our police officers who do excellent work, day after day, to keep the public safe.

“We will now work hard to rebuild that reputation for honesty and integrity and earn the confidence of the public.

“Acting Chief Constable Ivan Balhatchet and his team have done a fantastic job in leading the Force through a period of uncertainty and I will work with them to engage with communities and build public confidence and trust in their police.”

Acting Chief Constable Ivan Balhatchet said: “My focus is squarely on leading a Force that earns the trust of the people it serves.

“I am absolutely determined to make sure our officers and staff live up to the highest standards of honesty and integrity. There is no place in policing for anything less. The unprecedented nature of what has happened today should not reflect on the dedication and commitment shown by Northamptonshire Police officers and staff.

“No police officer is above independent scrutiny of their actions and when someone falls short of the standards expected of them, they will be accountable.

“Policing is a challenging role and Northamptonshire Police is full of people who have dedicated themselves to keeping the public safe. I am determined to lead a Force that meets those challenges properly and fairly.”