About Danielle Stone

Danielle Stone was elected as Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner in May 2024, the first woman and the first Labour PFCC for the county.
Danielle is a committed community activist and has been an elected councillor in Northampton for 13 years, for six of which she led the Labour Group. She has held both the finance and the children’s services portfolios in her Group and believes passionately in the power of politicians to bring positive change.
Danielle was a teacher, before becoming an education officer in Northamptonshire, where she set up a study support service that developed out-of-school activities for children. She is a trustee of the supplementary schools in Northampton and is also Vice-President of Northamptonshire Scouts.
As Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Danielle will work to give people a voice in community safety, engaging communities and explaining how their views and experiences have influenced change.
She wants people to feel safer and be safer, and will prioritise prevention across police and fire services, alongside robust, visible local policing in every neighbourhood.
Her Police, Fire and Crime Plan will be based on local priorities and will ensure all partners are involved and working together to tackle violent and sexual crime, knife crime, retail crime, domestic abuse, and violence against women.
Danielle is married and lives in Northampton.