Our Values

The Office of Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner is committed to carrying out its work while adhering to the following principles:

  • Ethical: Everything we do will adhere to the highest standards.
  • Diversity: We will value all differences.
  • Honest: Your public servants should always act with honesty.
  • Integrity: We will ensure that things are always developed with probity and morally as well as legally correct.
  • Approachable: Those providing service to the public should always be considered approachable.
  • Reliable: If someone says they will do something for you then they will and they will do the right thing.
  • Fair: Everyone should be treated as an individual and treated with respect.
  • Learning: Every member of the public sector should be developing all the time and this should be built into the culture of the organisations that serve you.
  • Wellbeing: We want to ensure that not only do we look after members of the public but staff who are delivering against our Police and Crime Plan are looked after and treated with the respect and fairness they deserve.
  • Prevention and Early Intervention: We want to ensure that everything we do as organisations to deliver this plan seeks to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour and tackle their causes rather than reacting after the event.