
Decision Record 74 Capital Financing underspend

Decision taken
To transfer a £650k underspend on Capital Financing costs to the Force budget in 18/19 to
meet additional IT and shared service revenue costs.
of advice taken
On the 9 July 2018, the Chief Finance Officer advised the PCC that PRONTO IT system costs
needed to be accounted for as revenue costs.
The budget was originally set aside for the capital programme for PRONTO costs. Therefore,
together with slippage on the Capital programme it is envisaged that in 2018/19 there will
be an underspend in respect of Capital Financing costs. At the end of June 2018 (Q1) this is
forecast to be £650k. However, the revenue budget is experiencing pressures from both the
PRONTO reclassification and the Multi Force Shared Service (MFSS) revenue budget for
systems and services in 2018/19.
The PCC approved the recommendation to transfer the £650k underspend on Capital
Financing costs to the Force to partly offset some of the revenue pressures of PRONTO and

Decision Record 74 Capital Financing underspend