
Decision Record 134- NFRS Fire Governance Transition Costs

Decision taken
In April 2018, the PFCC ring fenced the initial sum of £250K to meet the requirements and
processes required to ensure effective Fire Governance transition. Following the transfer of Fire Governance, transition costs have now been finalised at £376,840 and have been met from the PFCC Initiatives Reserve.
Recognising that the longer term benefits of the transfer of Fire Governance will be available
to both NCFRA and Northamptonshire Police, within the 2019/20 Budget and Precepts, the
PFCC determined that the transition costs will be shared equally between NCFRA and
Northamptonshire Police.
The NCFRA contribution will be made to the PFCC Initiatives Reserve in two payments of
£62,807 in 2019/20 and 2020/21 and one payment of £62,806 in 2021/22.

Decision Record 134- NFRS Fire Governance Transition Costs