
Chief Executive – Jonny Bugg

Job Description

Job title

Chief Executive



Supervision and control

Chief Executive

Place of work

Commission office, Northampton

Hours of work


Purpose of the job

To provide leadership, strategic direction, and advice for the PFCC in their statutory duties and
support in ensuring strategic plans and programmes are successfully developed and delivered. In
doing so the Chief Executive is responsible for ensuring the effective implementation of policy and
is therefore required to provide strategic leadership in developing and planning support to the PFCC in a national, regional and local context.

To undertake the statutory role of the Chief Executive Officer and Monitoring Officer for the Police and Crime Commissioner as required by the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011.

To undertake the statutory role of Monitoring Officer for Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service.

To be the lead member of the PFCC senior management team and the head of paid service for the
Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (OPFCC).

To support and advise the PFCC in delivering the manifesto, the Police, Fire and Crime Plan and all other statutory duties and responsibilities.

Contribute significantly to other priorities of the PFCC as directed including the provision of early
intervention and victims services, reducing offending and strengthening the local criminal justice

Main responsibilities

Leadership and Management

  • Take the lead role in ensuring the OPFCC is continually fit for purpose, effectively responding to and managing and adapting within a dynamic political environment.
  • In conjunction with the Chief Financial Officer, to ensure propriety in the conduct of the PFCC’s business including ensuring the implementation of an effective Corporate Governance Framework making proper arrangements for tendering procedures and the letting of contracts.
  • To carry out the duties of Chief Executive appointed under Police Reform & Social Responsibility Act 2011 so as to enable and assist the OPFCC to fulfil all its functions effectively and efficiently.
  •  To carry out the statutory duties and responsibilities of the Head of the Paid Service and the
    Monitoring Officer.
  •  To nominate a Designated Safeguarding Lead.
  • Instigate and deliver structural and cultural change, thinking beyond the constraints of current ways of working.
  • Lead the OPFCC’s senior management team to design, develop and implement strategies and plans which support the development and delivery of the Police, Fire and Crime Plan.
  • To provide clear and visible leadership and direction to the staff of the OPFCC to support the
    delivery of key priorities including overall responsibility for their ongoing development and
    training, and work directly to the PFCC in relation to personal objectives and development.
  • Act as the lead strategic adviser to the PFCC and senior managers providing independent, timely and expert advice, identifying and progressing matters requiring decision, scrutiny and/or action.
  • Develop and maintain constructive working relationships with the Police, Fire and Crime Panel.
  • Continually develop and review the OPFCC activity and operations to ensure an effective and efficient organisation is in place to support priorities and business objectives.
  • Ensure that the OPFCC operates effective corporate governance and business arrangements,
    regularly reviewing systems and structures to deliver continuous improvement.
  • Act as the PFCC’s signatory to give legal force to the implementation of decisions made by the Commissioner.
  • To ensure that the OPFCC performs its duties and responsibilities for equalities and diversity according to relevant legislation, and to promote the commitment to equality and diversity in all that the OPFCC does.

Strategy, Resourcing and Asset Management

  • Ensure that the PFCC’s vision, strategies, plans and procedures are supported by effective and efficient management of resources and assets.
  • Respond to national issues affecting policing, actively representing the interests of the PFCC,
    building the capacity and capability of the OPFCC so that the PFCC can increase influence and profile locally, regionally and nationally.
  • In conjunction with the chief finance officer(s) to lead the strategic development of the OPFCC in the areas of strategic accounting, information management, the management of strategic risk, the human resource and learning and development strategies, ensuring that the OPFCC is compliant with current employment legislation.
  • Ensure that the OPFCC staffing structures, processes and procedures are reviewed and designed to facilitate the provision of effective and high quality administration services.
  • Ensure the provision of a range of customer focused services including complaints and
    compliments handling, Freedom of Information, Data Protection and casework handling.
  • Ensure the provision of direct delivery services for children, young people and families and victims and witnesses of crime.
  • Ensure the OPFCC has access to comprehensive and timely independent legal advice where necessary.
  • Support the effective management of estate, fleet and digital assets under the responsibility and accountability of the PFCC.
  • Ensure robust management and propriety in delivery of PFCC business arrangements, including procurement governance and arrangements for tendering and letting of contracts.
  • Oversee the management of PFCC budgets and resources.

Governance and Scrutiny

  • Ensure scrutiny of the operational and corporate performance of Northamptonshire Police and Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Services.
  • Support the PFCC in complaints handling for Northamptonshire Police and Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Services.
  • To raise strategic issues with the Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer.
  • Oversee the process for managing complaints against the Chief Constable, Chief Fire Officer and PFCC.
  • Ensure the effective operation of a joint Audit Service.
  • Ensure all OPFCC policies, procedures and practices are developed, maintained and reviewed in the context of the PFCC’s objectives.
  • Ensure compliance with all OPFCC policies, procedures, practices and statutory obligations.

Commissioning, Partnership and Collaboration

  • Ensure that efficient strategies, plans and mechanisms are in place to commission services on behalf of the PFCC to support delivery of priorities.
  • Oversee, manage and implement all aspects of commissioning on behalf of the PFCC to include shaping and influencing commissioning outcomes.
  • Lead the development of partnership and collaborative working arrangements which forge strong and mutually beneficial links, at the local, regional and national level with the business sector, third sector and other relevant public and private sector organisations.
  • Develop and maintain effective relationships with the Chief Constable, Chief Fire Officer, other members of the Command Teams and other personnel within Northamptonshire and
    Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Police, to ensure that the PFCC and DPFCC’s statutory duties are met and that the PFCC is fully engaged with the Force.
  • Promote, develop and sustain effective working relationships at a local, regional and national level, particularly the Chief Constable and senior officers of the Constabulary, Chief Fire Officer, Her Majesty’s Treasury, the Home Office and HMICFRS.

Communications, Engagement and Influence

  • Anticipate and predict the long-term impact of local, regional, national and international
    developments, including economic, political, environmental, social and technological areas to influence the priorities of the PFCC and transform the OPFCC’s ways of working.
  • Ensure that policing and fire and rescue in the Northamptonshire are accountable to local people through the development and implementation of effective communication, consultation and community engagement strategies and plans.
  • Develop and support an effective engagement policy by creating and sustaining a constructive, ongoing relationship with the diverse communities of the Northamptonshire.
  •  Ensure the provision of an effective, co-ordinated media and communications and community engagement service to enhance public understanding and awareness of the role and responsibilities of the PFCC, OPFCC and Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Services.
  • Raise awareness of the role of the PFCC and OPFCC with political leaders, partners and decision makers locally, regionally and nationally
  • Use knowledge and understanding of the political arena (international, national, regional and local) to work collaboratively at the highest level with Parliament, Senior Civil Servants, MPs and Councillors to achieve political objectives
  • Build and maintain constructive relationships with key stakeholders, including Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC), National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC), National Fire Chiefs’ Council (NFCC), local authority Chief Executives and Leaders, MPs, community safety and criminal justice partnerships, to strengthen and extend the influence of the PFCC, including assistance to the PFCC in lobbying for changes to the law and national policy.

Other responsibilities

  • Undertake additional duties as are reasonably commensurate with the level of the post.