
PEEL 2021/22 – An inspection of Northamptonshire Police

In 2019 HMICFRS raised some concerns, and since then there has been a significant effort to review and change structures, processes, and workforce culture. This has led to improvements in the force’s ability to investigate crime, identify the vulnerable and manage demand. HMICFRS have commended the progress made by Northamptonshire Police in improving the service it provides to the public and they have confidence in its plans for the future. These are the findings they consider most important from their assessments of the force over the last year.

Details of the report can be found here

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire, Stephen Mold welcomes the latest PEEL inspection report from HMICFRS. The Commissioner welcomes the fact that the report identifies the great deal of positive work that has been undertaken and progress achieved by Northamptonshire Police since the last PEEL inspection. He welcomed the progress in areas such as investigating crime, preventing crime and supporting victims.

He acknowledges the key findings and identified areas for improvement, contained within the report and the work still expected. He has already discussed with the HMI, Roy Wilshire the way HMICFRS can monitor and report on progress in these areas via it’s new continuous assessment process.

The Commissioner has discussed the report with the Chief Constable and will be seeking progress reports on the AFI identified via his formal monthly accountability board processes.