Northamptonshire’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC), Danielle Stone, visited Rushden this month (October 21) to see first-hand the improvements that have been made since the introduction of the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) earlier this year.
Danielle was joined by Deputy Commissioner Marianne Kimani, Rushden Town Councillor Marian Hollomon, Town Clerk Vivienne Prodger, Neighbourhood Police Officers Callum Hurst and Greg Bennett and North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) Community Protection Enforcement Officer Will Bolter.
The public spaces protection order (PSPO) was put in place in the town earlier this year, following issues of anti-social behaviour on the High Street and surrounding areas. The PSPO gives authorised officers the ability to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice of £100 paid to the council, or to prosecute.
On a walk through the town, the group spoke to retailers and witnessed the PSPO in action, with some street drinkers surrendering their alcohol rather than receiving a fine.
The group heard feedback from the Neighbourhood Policing Team and the NNC’s Community Protection Enforcement Officer and members of the local council that the PSPO has worked to improve the area in the short time it has been in place.
Jason Smithers, Leader of North Northamptonshire Council, said: “PSPOs are an effective way of engaging with people whose behaviour can have a detrimental effect on other people’s quality of life and I’m pleased to see it working positively in Rushden.
“Working with partners to create safe communities is a priority for us and important for our residents. We’re committed to continuing with and building on this good work.”
Both the Police and NNC’s Community Protection Enforcement Officer spoke of the importance of partnership, and working with other services such as the NNC Rough Sleeping team to help those who may be breaching the conditions of the order and causing a nuisance in the town centre.
Danielle was pleased to hear how the PSPO is having an impact: “It is very encouraging to see the positive impact the PSPO and the partners enforcing it have had on Rushden in such a short time. I was pleased to hear that the approach has been to help people rather than issuing a fine they may not be able to pay.
“There are still improvements to be made, but I want this approach to continue, to work with partners to offer vulnerable people safety and support.”
Rushden Town Councillor Marian Hollomon said: “I feel we had a very worthwhile walkabout meeting. Danielle made her presence known by visiting and chatting to all the locally owned shop keepers which was much appreciated.”