
Decision Record 167 – Grant Agreement – Voice

Decision taken
To agree the Grant Agreement with Voice for the Provision of Services for Victims and
Witnesses of Crime and Anti- Social Behaviour in Northamptonshire April 2019 – March 2022.
The total Funding from the Funder to Recipient in 2019/20 will be £1,432,665. Indicative
Funding for 2020/21 and 2021/22 is as follows:

• 2020/21 – £1 302 000
• 2021/22 – £1 302,000

These indicative figures will be confirmed in writing annually following the PFCC budget
setting process. The annual letter will also set out the ability of the recipient to overspend
and to what level that overspend will be underwritten by the OPCC.

Decision Record 167 – Grant Agreement – Voice