
Decision Record 189- Collaboration Agreement

Decision taken
The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has taken the decision to agree and sign the Northamptonshire Police & Fire Collaboration Arrangements which is a requirement under the Home Office Financial Management Code of Practice for Police Forces and Police, Fire and Crime Commissioners with governance responsibility for Fire and Rescue Services.

The Policing and Crime Act 2017 places a duty on emergency services to collaborate and allows policing bodies to take on the responsibility for the governance of fire and rescue authorities. Pursuant to the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire (Fire and Rescue Authority) Order 2018 (2018/1072) the Police and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire became the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire with responsibility both for policing and for fire and rescue services in Northamptonshire acting, as appropriate, as the Policing Body for Northamptonshire as well as the Northamptonshire Commissioner Fire and Rescue Authority.

The Commissioner and the Chief Constable consider that it would be advantageous for the
police and fire services in Northamptonshire to work closely together. The parties therefore
wish to enter into an emergency services collaboration agreement pursuant to section one of
the Policing and Crime Act 2017 in the interests of the efficiency and effectiveness of the
police and fire services in Northamptonshire.

Details of advice taken
Professional financial and legal advice has been sought to ensure the decision best supports
business need and represents value for money.

Stephen Mold
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner

Decision Record 189- Collaboration Agreement