
Decision Record 310 Target Hardening Greatwell Homes

Decision taken

A decision has been taken to award a contract in policing for the provision of target hardening services to Greatwell Homes. Target hardening services cover activities to improve the physical security of homes in areas with high levels of crime. In this instance, the contract will involve carrying out a mass door replacement programme, improving lighting on properties and implementing the Park Mark accreditation to refurbished car parks in the area. The contract will run from 1st October 2022 until 30th September 2024. The value of the contract is £298,000 ex VAT and will be funded in full by Home Office Safer Streets Grant funding.

Details of advice taken
Professional operational and financial advice has been sought to ensure the decision best supports operational needs and represents value for money.

Stephen Mold
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
10th October 2022

Decision Record 310 Target Hardening Greatwell Homes