
Details In relation to the relevant office holders of the elected local policing body

(a) the name of each relevant office holder; PCC / (Oath of Office)

(b) the address for correspondence of each relevant office holder;

Office address

Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner

Darby House,

Darby Close,

Park Farm Industrial Estate,




Telephone: 01604 888881



(c) the salary of each relevant office holder;

The current salary of the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner is £76,500. The salaries of PCC are determined by the Secretary of State who take into account the Senior Salaries Review Board’s report recommendations, details can be found here.

(d) the allowances paid to each relevant office holder in respect of expenses incurred by the office holder in the exercise of the body’s functions;

(e) a register of interests of relevant office holders, including every paid employment or office or other pecuniary interest of each relevant office holder.
PCC: Notification of Disclosable Interests Register

(f) the number of complaints or conduct matters that have been brought to the attention of a relevant office holder by the police and crime panel (either because they have been referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission, or because they are being subjected to informal resolution by the panel).