
HMICFRS Report – Homicide prevention: An inspection of the police contribution to the prevention of homicide

This inspection examined how effectively the police understood, and contributed to the prevention of, homicides.

We conducted a thematic inspection of homicide prevention, jointly supported by the National Police Chiefs’ Council, the College of Policing and the Independent Office for Police Conduct. In our inspection, we examined:

  • how effectively forces understand the pattern of homicide in their areas, including the underlying causes and risks; and
  • how effectively forces contribute to the prevention of homicides, including how they use the homicide prevention framework.

A copy of the report can be downloaded here

PFCC Response

“The PFCC recognises the importance of this inspection and its links to the reduction of serious violence. He supports and accepts all of the recommendations and in order to ensure that those relating to chief constables are effectively implemented in Northamptonshire, we will be requesting an update to our Accountability Board in early 2024.”