
NFRS Decision Record 121 – Mobile Hardware Devices Refresh with British Telecom

Decision taken
Following a compliant procurement procedure, the decision has been taken to award a
contract for the provision of Mobile Hardware Refresh for Northamptonshire Police and
Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service to BT plc. The mobile replacement programme across Northamptonshire Police will ensure resilience across the hardware but also bring consistency of approach/provision. The contract period will run from 14th August 2023 to 14th August 2025 with a value of up to £1,025,571.60 ex VAT.
The Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service apportionment of the initial 2-year contract is
£46,746.80 ex VAT. There is an option to extend by one 12-month period, if this istaken the
contract term would be extended to August 2026 and would be subject to a future Decision

NFRS Decision Record 121 – Mobile Hardware Devices Refresh with British Telecom