
NFRS Decision Record 61 B type appliances variation

Decision taken
The PFCC has taken the decision to approve a variation to CN2512 B type appliances which covers the
second stage build of the B type appliances. This build was covered in the original contractual
agreement financial sign off and as part of the variation submitted in February. This variation captures
the revised pricing (taking into account CPI) and the project plan for the second stage builds. The
increased price for the second 4 appliances of £1,364,572 is within the amount approved (by finance
and the Commissioner in February of £1,385,971.

Details of advice taken
Professional financial and legal advice has been sought to ensure the decision best supports
business need and represents value for money.

Stephen Mold
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner

NFRS Decision Record 61 B type appliances variation