
NFRS Decision Record 91 Variation of Recruitment Module with Softcat-Oleeo

Decision taken
To award a variation to SoftCat PLC for the provision of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Recruitment Module. The variation is to enable the Module to be configured to deliver the requirements for Northamptonshire Fire & Rescue Service. This will ensure that Northamptonshire Police and Northamptonshire Fire & Rescue Service are able to utilise the same system. The variation will
change the value of the contract to £127,082.46 exclusive of VAT.

Details of advice taken
Professional operational, financial, and commercial advice has been sought to ensure the decision best supports operational needs and represents value for money.

Stephen Mold
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
13 December 2022

NFRS Decision Record 91 Variation of Recruitment Module with Softcat-Oleeo