
NFRS Decision Record 92 Fire Estate Enhancements

Decision taken
In September 2022, the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner took the decision to:

To award a contract to Perfect Circle, for the provision of services and works across a range
of projects within the Fire Estate. This includes but are not limited to:

• improvement of welfare facilities
• repairs to drill towers
• boiler replacement
• programme and fabric first surveys

The contract (Option G agreement) was awarded via a compliant route to market under the SCAPE framework. The total value of the contract t is for up to £1.3m exclusive of VAT. There is a delegated 5% increase which may be used. Where used, the contract value may increase to £1,365,000 (excluding VAT). The duration of the Contract is from the 5th September 2022 to the 4th September 2026.

Details of advice taken
Professional financial and legal advice has been sought to ensure the decision best supports business need and represents value for money.

Stephen Mold
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner

NFRS Decision Record 92 Fire Estate Enhancements