Have your say on Police and Fire funding. Take part in our council tax precept consultation

The Government has published provisional council tax and finance settlements for Police and Fire for 2024/25.

Some of Police and Fire funding is provided by the Government with the balance being paid by residents as council tax precept. We are asking the public for their views on what they would pay for their Fire and Policing services for 2024/25.

To sustain services at current levels, even with reasonable savings plans, we envisage that Police need an increase of £15 (5.1%) and Fire an increase of £5 (6.8%) in local council tax for the average, band D household.

The suggested increases are set by the Government, however, and the settlement for police and fire announced this week, suggests a council tax increase of £13 for policing and £2.19 for fire. These increases would amount to 4.4% for policing and 2.99% for fire – significantly less than inflation and would not meet the cost pressures that face both organisations.

For policing, some savings would be needed to balance the budget in 2024/25, with the financial challenge increasing in future years.

For Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service, which is one of the lowest funded in the country, the suggested increase will mean that significant savings will need to be made in current and future years.

Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Stephen Mold is conducting a survey to ask the public for their views on what they would pay towards local policing and fire services for 2024/25 and a decision will be made in February 2024. You can take the survey here.

The Commissioner will continue to lobby the Government on a fairer funding settlement for the county.