
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Election – 2024


The next elections for the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire will take place on the 2nd of May 2024.

The role of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC) is to be the voice of the people and hold the police to account. They are responsible for the totality of policing.

PFCCs aim to cut crime and deliver an effective and efficient police service within their police force area. They are elected by the public to hold Chief Constables and the force to account, making the police answerable to the communities they serve.

Under the terms of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011, PFCCs must:

  • secure efficient and effective police for their area.
  • appoint the Chief Constable, hold them to account for running the force, and if necessary, dismiss them.
  • set the police and crime objectives for their area through a police and crime plan;
  • set the force budget and determine the precept;
  • contribute to the national and international policing capabilities set out by the Home Secretary; and
  • bring together community safety and criminal justice partners, to make sure local priorities are joined up.

PFCCs ensure community needs are met as effectively as possible and are improving local relationships through building confidence and restoring trust. They work in partnership across a range of agencies at local and national level to ensure there is a unified approach to preventing and reducing crime.

The Policing and Crime Act 2017 further reformed policing and enabled important changes to the governance of fire and rescue services. PFCCs are responsible for:

  • putting in place arrangements to deliver an efficient and effective fire and rescue service;
  • setting the fire and rescue objectives for their area through a fire and rescue plan;
  • appointing the Chief Fire Officer, hold them to account for delivery of objectives, and if necessary dismiss them; and
  • setting the service budget and determine the precept.


The Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (OPFCC) have produced a briefing for candidates which can be download here.

PFCCs have a statutory duty to provide support services for victims and witnesses of crime to help individuals cope with and recover from the consequences.  Voice for Victims and Witness, which is managed by the OPFCC  provides this role and a full briefing of their work can be downloaded here

Further details about the work of the OPFCC can also be found here

Details about about the regional work of the East Midlands Special Operations Unit can be found here

Details about the Strategic Policing Requirement can be found here

Further information about the work of Northamptonshire Police can be downloaded using the following links:

Northamptonshire Police – Briefing for PFCC Candidates 2024 Election

Northamptonshire Police – Value for Money Profiles 2022 Insights and Overview

Northamptonshire Police Force Management Statement 2023


If you require details relating to the election and how to register to vote, please contact your local council.

If you live in North Northamptonshire, details can be found here

If you live in West Northamptonshire, details can be found here