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The OPFCC for Northamptonshire is undertaking a procurement for the general cleaning of the estates of both Northamptonshire Police and Northamptonshire Fire & Rescue Service. This is a great opportunity for local and national cleaning organisations to support two of the emergency services within Northants.

We have a very diverse estate across the whole of the county that includes fire and police stations, custody suites and general offices.

We will be looking to undertake an initial 3-year contract plus 2 x 12m extensions, with the contract starting in March 2023.

The procurement is being run through EU supply ( under tender no: 2022/S 000-029927 and is open to receive tender submissions until 12 noon on 25/11/2022.

There will be a market engagement opportunity from 31/10/2022 – 01/11/2022 to enable prospective tenderers the opportunity to see a sample of our diverse estate and engage with us. There is also the opportunity through the procurement portal to ask clarification questions until 3pm on 11/11/2022.

To express your interest or attend the market engagement day, please register via EU Supply.