Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Stephen Mold said that today’s report on culture must be a line in the sand for the fire sector.

“This report must be the point where we begin to have an open conversation about unacceptable behaviour and attitudes in the fire sector. I am genuinely concerned about the findings, and I will absolutely hold the Chief Fire Officer to account for drawing a clear line in the sand at Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service.

“It’s absolutely vital that leaders accept the problems, give people the confidence to speak out about unacceptable behaviour and show they will take action.  Owning the problem, being clear about the standards that we expect and involving everyone in the solution is the only way to start creating an inclusive culture.

“I expect to see leaders at all levels in the fire sector nationally, and in Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service specifically, step up by setting the tone and modelling the respectful behaviour that people have a right to expect.

“The public have such trust and admiration for the fire service, and rightly so. But trust must be earned, and confidence is quickly lost. Work to create a fire service with a culture where people come, stay and do their best work to keep the public safe will take time. I hope this report will be a catalyst to that change.”


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