The Serious Violence Duty and the Northamptonshire Serious Violence Prevention Partnership
The Serious Violence Duty requires organisations across the public sector to work together locally to reduce the incidents of violence such as knife crime and domestic abuse and make local communities safer.
Serious violence can’t be tackled by any one agency working alone.
Under the Serious Violence Duty, organisations work together to tackle the root causes of violence, understanding and sharing information on the factors that cause crime in their area.
They will then use this evidence to put effective schemes in place that focus on preventing crime and intervening early to reduce the chances of someone committing or becoming a victim of crime.
Who is involved?
Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has been given the task of bringing local agencies together, including:
- Northamptonshire Police
- Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service
- Probation Services
- Youth Offending Service at Northamptonshire Children’s Trust
- Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board
- North Northamptonshire Council
- West Northamptonshire Council
These organisations will work together under the banner of the Northamptonshire Serious Violence Prevention Partnership. They will also involve agencies such as education, prison and youth custody agencies in their work to understand what they need to do collectively to reduce violent crime.
What issues will they tackle?
During the first year, the Serious Violence Prevention Partnership will look at:
- Personal robbery
- Knife crime
- Violence involving young people aged under 25
- Domestic Abuse
- Rape and Serious sexual assault
- Crimes and behaviour associated with the night-time economy
What happens next?
The Northamptonshire Serious Violence Prevention Partnership has published a strategy to detail how they will tackle local issues. A copy of which can downloaded here
How do I get involved?
You can tell us about your priorities are for tackling serious violence and safety in your community. Please look out for news of our engagement events or look out for our surveys.
You can also tell us what actions you think will help tackle the causes of violence in Northamptonshire, and what will make a difference to you, your family and your community.
You can email us on