
Fire Accountability Board Minutes 11 June 2024

Welcome and introductions.



PFCC Danielle Stone (DS)

Jonny Bugg (JB)

Vaughan Ashcroft (VA)

Paul Fell (PF)

Louise Sheridan (LS)

Nick Alexander (NA)

CFO Nikki Watson (NW)

DCFO Simon Tuhill (ST)

ACFO Rob Porter (RP)



ACO Paul Bullen



Minutes and decisions of previous meeting


  • DS welcomed everyone to the meeting.
  • Minutes of the previous meeting were circulated with the meeting papers.
  • One amendment to the minutes was agreed regarding pump availability to finalise the minutes from 9th April



CRMP annual review


The Commissioner requires a paper relating to the above annual review. This should include the process of review and consultation that took place in relation to it. It should also outline any learning from this process and recommend any changes to be made to the CRMP as a result.


  • The report provided in advance of the meeting was taken as read with DCFO Tuhill adding additional commentary on the salient parts.
  • A monitoring document is used to track performance and progress against the current CRMP (2022-25) and inform the developing CRMP for 2025 onwards.
  • Using this tracker, a full review of progress against the CRMP Strategic Objectives for both year 1 and 2 (2022/23 & 2023/24) has been completed.
  • This includes progress against three key projects: Emergency Cover Review, Adapting to Climate Change and Reviewing Data and Intelligence.
  • A pragmatic view was taken to provide assurance whilst balancing resources in the team who are also developing the new CRMP.
  • Tangible examples of progress are ‘My Pink Trainer; a powerful road safety educational film developed in partnership with Police, OPFCC and others to raise awareness of the causes of collisions and the serious consequences these collisions could have.
  • Piloting Mature driver education events
  • Promoting safety around water
  • Working with vulnerable groups.
  • In addition, a lot of work has been delivered via Serving with Pride and making sure staff feel valued.


  • Following the initial review work undertaken during 2022, a second phase has now been completed.
  • Timescales now need to be agreed for actual delivery.

Adapting to climate change

  • There has been continued focus across the Service.

Data and intelligence review

  • The Service continue to build on improved infrastructure and technology.
  • A new Risk Management system captures all risks for police and Fire.

Action – RP to arrange for a Log in to 4Risk system to allow the Commissioner to have sighting on what is recorded.


  • ST advised that overall, the CRMP tracker demonstrates good progress against 383 actions with 65% of actions completed.
  • Some actions will transfer to DDaT as part of Fire Analysts moving across to Enabling Services.
  • There was a discussion about CFRMIS
  • This particular software is used by other Services and is highly regarded.
  • Implementation has been delayed (3 years) due to us hosting in the Cloud and some other cyber related issues. Now due to go live in July.
  • Other services haven’t necessarily considered the risk factor and there have been hacking incidents as a result (Humberside, PSNI and The Blood Service have been hacked).
  • When software is finally installed it will help with CRMP and the HMICFRS observations around the Service having too much paper-based information.
  • It will also help to build a rich picture of risk management which the Service can share with other agencies in a smarter way.
  • There was a discussion on knowing risks with housing, planning and enforcement, particularly around HMOs to reduce risk.
  • There was a discussion about automated driver licence checks. The Service contracts to a third-party supplier to check staff driver licensing.
  • The Commissioner asked if there are enough drivers.
  • ST confirmed there are enough to maintain establishment however national guidance and rules are changing and this might be a useful paper to bring to a future AB.
  • Trainers now need to be dedicated driver trainers and the DFT courses is longer.
  • This will be a real challenge for On-Call firefighters as the course is 3 weeks long and will likely have a detrimental effect.
  • The Commissioner suggested talks with big local employers on the value of CSR and social capital might be a good place to start, recognising that taking 3 weeks leave to complete a driving course would be a challenge for many.
  • RP confirmed that several large employers do not support on-call.
  • There was a discussion about the likelihood of driver skills shortages in the coming months as a result of the changes which might decimate fire cover in rural areas.

Action – RP to look at companies with more than 100 employees with proximity to fire stations with a view to setting up future meetings.

Action – ST to write paper for future AB about driver training. In addition to have further discussions with CEx about on-call and bring a paper on this to a future AB.


  • The Commissioner was interested in how the public will be consulted on the new CRMP.
  • RP confirmed that the Service have not done public meetings for some time and agree to provide the Commissioner with information about what public meetings they have done and on what topics.

Action – RP to provide the Commissioner with information about what public meetings they have done and on what topics.


  • The Current CRMP runs from 2022 – 2025
  • The new CRMP will come into effect on 1 April 2025 although if needed to tie into other document this could be delayed to ensure the strategic documents align.
  • The Commissioner reiterated that she is keen on the consultative process. It is important to meet people in their community as well as engage with religious and community groups.
  • Returning to the ECR; the next meeting to discuss progress and next steps is 8th
  • It was agreed that a pre-brief is required before the 8th July,
  • ST confirmed the business case is complete, but discussions are ongoing about the size of the transformation team.
  • In his view, a dedicated small team is needed that owns management and governance with support from Enabling for delivery.
  • JB commented that there needs to be demonstrable action between now and Spring 2025.
  • ST agreed to send the ECR analysis he referred to before the 8th July meeting.

Action – ST to send ECR analysis document to the Commissioner & JB before 8th July.


  • NA confirmed that whilst budget pressures are ever present, the Service has more funding than originally anticipated and he is able to reduce the agreed savings requirement as a result.
  • There is a meeting next week to revisit ECR, efficiencies and training.
  • NA will discuss the monthly turn out reports with the Commissioner.
  • The External audit will take place in the next 4 – 6 weeks.
  • On the future of Accountability Board meetings there was a discussion about standing items and the frequency of the meetings.
  • PF confirmed that he will attend the Fire SLT meeting which will provide assurance on any issues. If not assured, he can bring the issue to the Accountability Board.


Assurance Statement:


The Commissioner received a report from the Chief Fire Officer relating to the annual review of the Community Risk Management Profile (CRMP). It was accepted by the Commissioner that this was an important document that assists the service in the identification of and the mitigation of risks in the County.


The Deputy Chief Fire Officer provided evidence of how the service was delivering against a number of the key areas contained within the CRMP.


There was a discussion relating to the number of qualified drivers available to the service and how changes in legislation were likely to create additional pressures, particularly with retained staff. The service is putting into place some actions to try to mitigate this.


The Commissioner accepted that there was good progress against the plan and work had begun on the new CRMP due in 2025.  She expressed a strong view that the public should be consulted on its development which would also help inform the new Police, Fire and Crime Plan.




No further business was raised.