
Complaints against Northamptonshire Police

Complaints against Northamptonshire Police are handled in two ways and by different organisations depending on the seniority of the officers concerned.

Making a complaint about Northamptonshire Police

All expressions of dissatisfaction about Northamptonshire Police are received by the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.

Our complaints procedure

Our Customer Service Team will be the first point of contact for most complaints and we aim to resolve matters quickly and simply whenever we can. Regardless of the severity of your complaint, we aim to make contact with the complainant within two working days to acknowledge the complaint and to set out what the complainant can expect to happen next.

For matters that are considered less serious and that would not amount to misconduct even if proven, the Customer Service Team will aim to resolve the complaint to the complainants satisfaction by offering an explanation, an apology and by identifying any learning that will improve the service offered to members of the public. Any complaints that are not resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant must be referred to the Professional Standards Department.

For matters that are considered more serious and that may amount to misconduct, the Customer Service Team will make contact with the complainant to ensure that all relevant details are captured and to ensure that the complainant understands what will happen next. The complaint will then be passed to the Professional Standards Department who will take responsibility for progressing the complaint. For further details about the Professional Standards Department and how they deal with complaints, please click here.

The Customer Service Team will be responsible for ensuring all expressions of dissatisfaction are properly logged, which will ensure that the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner gets a true picture of the level of complaints and can ensure that the Chief Constable is able to identify areas where service could be improved.

If you are not satisfied

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you do have a right to apply for review. Depending on the severity of your complaint, you will either have a right to review by the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for less serious matters, or by the Independent Office for Police Conduct for more serious matters.

Details regarding your right to review will be included in your final letter.


Compliments are welcomed and are important in helping us to identify what works well so that we can insure it is implemented in other areas of business. Compliments will be passed on to the department or team concerned.


I’ve submitted a complaint, what happens next?

You will be contacted by the Customer Service Team within two working days. How your complaint is dealt with will depend on the nature of your complaint, however they will be able to tell you what you can expect to happen next.

I’m not satisfied with the outcome of my complaint, what can I do?

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you do have a right to apply for review. Depending on the severity of your complaint, you will either have a right to review by the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for less serious matters, or by the Independent Office for Police Conduct for more serious matters. Details regarding your right to review will be included in your final letter.

Who will deal with my complaint?

Who deals with your complaint will depend on the nature of the allegations, however you will be provided with the contact details of the person dealing with your complaint.

I’ve submitted a request for review, what happens next?

The Customer Service Team will be in touch within two working days and will be able to explain the process to you.

Is there a time limit on making a complaint?

There is no time limit on making a complaint, but it is best to do it as quickly as possible after the incident/s occurred.

What can the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner do to resolve my complaint?

Whilst the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner does have the authority to intervene in operational policing matters and cannot direct officers and staff, the Customer Team are able to resolve less serious complaints by offering an explanation, an apology or by identifying learning.

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner is also able to make recommendations as part of the review process for complainants who are not satisfied with the outcome of their complaint.

Complaints against the Chief Constable

For complaints about the Chief Constable, please click here.

Complaints and Customer Service Team

Details of the Complaints and Customer Service Team can be found here