
Decision Record 62 Force Business Cases for investment in 2018-19

Decision taken
To approve six Force Business Cases for investment in 2018/19 and future years. Funding
will be provided when expenditure has been incurred.

As part of the 2018/19 Budget Agreement with the Force, and the report to the Police and
Crime Panel on the 1 February 2018, the PCC ring fenced a sum of up to £1.25m proposals for
priority areas. These were considered on the 27 March 2018 at the Accountability Board and
the proposals equate to £1.229m in a full year (25.5 FTE posts) and cover additional capacity
and resource in the following areas:

1. Communications Support
2. Police/Fire Interoperability
3. Serious & Organised Crime
4. Rape & Serious Sexual Offences
5. Domestic Abuse
6. Missing Persons (MISPER)
The PCC requested proposals for internal inspection requirements and following
consideration, a further 2 FTE posts will be met from within the £1.250m funding.

Decision Record 62 Force Business Cases for investment in 2018-19