
October 2023

Mon 2 Oct

  • Internal meetings
  • 6 weekly Councillor meeting

Tues 3

  • Internal meeting

Wed 4

  • Internal meeting

Thurs 5

  • Internal meeting

Mon 9

  • Internal meetings
  • Bi-weekly meeting with Chief Fire Officer
  • Bi-weekly meeting with Chief Constable
  • Longlisting for CFO

Tues 10

  • Internal meeting
  • Force Accountability Board
  • Technology Portfolio Leadership catch-up

Weds 11

  • Internal meeting

Thurs 12

  • APCC General meeting


Fri 13

  • Internal meeting
  • PPPT portfolio prioritisation meeting


Mon 16

  • Internal meetings
  • Fire Accountability Board

Tues 17

  • HMICFRS Thematic Inspection PFCC Interview
  • PDS meeting
  • National Safer Business Action Week and visit to the Co-op in Birchfield Road
  • Meeting with Chief Fire Officer
  • 6 weekly councillor meeting

Weds 18

  • Quarterly catch-up with Cllr. Smithers
  • EM PCC Business Meeting
  • Internal meeting

Thurs 19

  • PDS meeting
  • Meeting with PCDA student officers


Fri 20

  • Shortlisting for CFO
  • Longlisting for CEX

Mon 23

  • Internal meetings


Tues 24

  • PDS Board meeting


Weds 25

  • Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan Ministerial Taskforce Meeting

Mon 30

  • Internal meetings
  • CEX shortlisting
  • Bi-monthly meeting with Police Federation
  • Bi-weekly meeting with Chief Constable


Tues 31

  • Internal meeting
  • JESIP Ministerial Oversight Board
  • Regional PCC & CC Board meeting