
Decision Record 465- Variation and Extension to Ambient Meals Contract with Bidfoods

Decision taken
The decision has been taken to award a Northamptonshire Police Contract Extension for the supply of ambient meals to Bidfood. This contract provides food, drink and consumables to detainees whilst in custody. The contract term is from 01/08/23to 31/07/25 withan option to extend for one further year to 31/07/26. In addition, the contract was varied to include additional spend as a result of higher usage and price increases due to RPI since the contract was originally awarded. The total Contract value is £132,414.77 if the contract extension from 01/08/25 to 31/07/26 is taken. This is an overall increase of £42,414.77 over the life of the contract.

Decision Record 465- Variation and Extension to Ambient Meals Contract with Bidfoods