As Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire I have elected to adopt additional responsibilities in relation to the police complaints process. These include the receipt and initial handling of all complaints against the force. To help you understand how we deal with complaints, you may find the questions below useful:
Performance Data
How Northamptonshire Police measure satisfaction?
How do Northamptonshire Police deal with progress updates on implementing relevant recommendations made by the Independent Office for Police Complaint (IOPC) and/or Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) in relation to complaints handling, or where recommendations were not accepted an explanation as to why and how the PFCC hold the Chief Constable to account?
How Northamptonshire Police respond to trends or themes identified through complaints.
How Northamptonshire Police monitor and improve performance in timeliness of complaints handling
How does Northamptonshire Police deal with the number of written communications issued by the force under regulation 13 where complaints are over 12 months old.
What quality assurance mechanisms are in place to monitor and improve the quality of its responses to complaints?
Details of the arrangements that the PFCC has in place to hold the CC to account for complaints handling.
Role of the PCC in respect of his complaints handling functions
What quality assurance mechanisms the PCC has established to ensure that review decisions are sound and in line with the requirements of the complaints legislation and IOPC statutory guidance?
How does the PFCC ensure that the initial handling of complaints is conducted in a timely manner?