Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone is asking for an increase of £5 a year – 10p a week – in the fire precept, the part of the council tax that goes towards funding the county’s fire and rescue service.
The increase means an average, Band D household would pay £80.39 a year towards their fire and rescue services in 2025/26.
Danielle said that Northamptonshire’s Fire and Rescue Service is one of the lowest funded in the country, with historic underinvestment in buildings and equipment.
This precept increase is needed to support modernisation and improvements and to deliver a service that meets the risks and challenges to the county, now and in the future.
Local taxpayers contribute most of the Service’s funding – 63%. Local business rates contribute 13% and 24% comes from the Government.
Danielle said: “I am very grateful for the continued support that local taxpayers give to Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service and the amount they contribute to our budget through their council tax.
“I have put community concerns at the heart of my public safety plan for the county, which will be delivered with this funding.
“Through my ‘big conversation’ with the public I know that people want to have visible, accessible services in the heart of their community. For me, that is our firefighters and staff being closer to the communities they serve, using their skills to the full to help people protect themselves from risk and working in partnership on a shared mission to keep the county safe.
“The budget for Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service next year will support the Chief Fire Officer to deliver projects that will improve service, and to fund improvements to give our firefighters a better, more modern working environment.”
Danielle said that while the two services are very different, she is also asking the chief officers of both Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service and Northamptonshire Police to see how they can deliver more sustainability, social value and value for money.
Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel will consider the Commissioner’s council tax proposals at a meeting on Wednesday 5 February.