
FOI 01042022-1 – Road Victim Support


What road victims support services do you offer?

Who provides your road victims support services?

Who is eligible for road victim support?

What number/percentage of road victims receive road victims support?

What number/percentage of road victims do not take up an offer of road victims support?


What road victims support services do you offer?


In Northamptonshire, Voice Roadharm helps people who have been affected by any kind of road incident. It gives specialist support and advice to those who have been bereaved, injured or witnessed a road collision. This includes supporting friends and family of those who have either been killed or injured on the roads. A team of professional and trained counsellors and support workers give support that is tailored to individual needs. Help is available from right after any incident, through to when victims feel you are able to cope on their own.

Voice Roadharm support includes:

  • emotional support;
  • professional therapy and treatment;
  • support through any court case and updates on legal proceedings;
  • emotional and practical support during an inquest; and
  • signposting to other support agencies such as specialist charities and support organisations.

Who provides your road victims support services?


The Office of Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner assumed the statutory responsibilities for commissioning support for Victims and Witnesses of Crime in October 2014. Voice has been the brand for victim and witness services in Northamptonshire since 2014 and the services were delivered under a series of contracts; the first two with Victim Support and Restorative Solutions ended in 2017. In January 2017, the decision was taken to not seek a new contract for the provision of services but instead to create a wholly owned company, Voice for Victims and Witnesses Ltd, to provide services to victims and witnesses.

Details of Voice for Victims and Witnesses Ltd can be found on their website at:

Who is eligible for road victim support?


See above


What number/percentage of road victims receive road victims support?


“The Office of the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (OPFCC) and Voice for Victims and Witnesses Ltd are two separate legal entities. Information related to specific data regarding the services they provide is not held by the OPFCC. You can contact Voice for Victims and Witnesses Ltd directly: / who may hold the information you are requesting.


What number/percentage of road victims do not take up an offer of road victims support?


See above