
FOI 05032020-1 – Response to public consultation on unauthorised encampments


Please see below the information we are requesting under the ‘Freedom of Information Act 2000’:

  1. Did your Police Crime Commissioner submit a response to the Home Office public consultation, launched on the 5th of November 2019Strengthening police powers to tackle unauthorised encampments” ?
  2. If so, can you please provide us with a full e-copy or hard copy of your response to this consultation?



2020 I am can confirm that the Office of the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner did not submit evidence to the consultation “Strengthening police powers to tackle unauthorised encampments”.


The Northamptonshire Countywide Traveller Unit (CTU) which brings together a specialist multi-disciplinary team to deal with the gypsy and traveller issues across the county in a co-ordinated and proactive way may have submitted a response on behalf of the county. The CTU may hold the information you are requesting and can be contacted via:

01604 366234