
FOI 11042022-1 – Complaints against staff of the OPFCC


Please provide the following information for the last 3 years taken from the date of this request:


  1. The number of complaints made against members of staff of the OPFCC


  1. Circumstances of the complaint


  1. Outcome of each complaint


  1. The number of complaints made against members of staff of the OPFCC – 22


  1. Circumstances of the complaint – See table below.


  1. Outcome of each complaint – See table below.

Date Complaint Received Outcome

24/03/2022 Concerns raised with information provided by staff member as he felt it was not correct. Also had concerns regarding staff members manner on the phone. Not Upheld


Concerns raised that staff member had been aggressive, speaking too quickly, had attitude, used an inappropriate tone and had not listened to her. Not Upheld


Concerns raised as staff member advised him he was not eligible to raise a complaint as was not directly or adversely affected. Not Upheld


Concerns raised regarding reliability of evidence given at court by OPFCC staff member. Not Upheld


Concerns raised that staff member had withheld information and had deliberately tried to confuse matters. Not Upheld


Concerns raised relating to internal email that was released as part of a Subject Access Request. Feedback to be provided to all staff regarding the need to be mindful of tone and content of internal emails.


Concerns raised as unhappy with review outcome. Not Upheld
06/10/2021 Concerns raised about length of time complaint investigation took and the professionalism of staff member. Not Upheld
12/08/2021 Concerns that staff member had provided incorrect statutory guidance that were not eligible to complain. Decision made to record complaint and feedback given to staff member.


Concerns raised as was not provided with the option to have complaint referred to the Professional Standards Department. Not Upheld


Concerns raised that staff members email was threatening. Not Upheld


Complainant feels that the complaints process was not followed, he was unhappy with the status of the person who dealt with his complaint, and he was not updated throughout the investigation. Not Upheld


Complainant feels that member of OPFCC hasn’t read his complaint report and dismissed the matter out of hand or is covering for the police officers concerned. Not Upheld


unhappy with how OPFCC phone lines are only open business hours, also researched the department and found negative things online about call wait times etc. Not Upheld


Complainant feels staff member discriminated against him, unhappy with decision about his reasonable adjustments and feels that the OPFCC are preventing him complaining about the force. Not Upheld


Complainant dissatisfied with information disclosed via the SAR process. Not Upheld


Complainant dissatisfied with information disclosed via the SAR process Not Upheld


Request for SAR and concerns were ignored and mocked by two members of staff. Not Upheld
22/03/2021 Complainant dissatisfied with advice given by member of staff. Not Upheld


Complainant not satisfied with level of service provided by member of OPFCC staff and believed incorrect advice was given. Feedback given to staff member regarding correct advice


Dissatisfaction with decision not to record complaint and concerns regarding breach of GDPR. Not Upheld
29/09/2020 Complainant dissatisfied with communication plan and subsequent communication with the OPFCC and has been left feeling ignored. Not Upheld