
FOI 14042022-1 – Media communications – Please forward to correct email/department


1.How much was your communications budget in the financial year 2021/22?

2.How much was the actual spend in that year?

3.What is your communications budget for the financial year 2022/23?

4.How many communications professionals do you employ and what is the total annual combined cost of those salaries?

5.How many media professionals do you employ that specifically handle external communications and what is the annual cost of those salaries?

6.Have you used any external communications professionals within your organisation? What was the cost of this?

7. Which job role is responsible for the communications department and what is the salary currently provided to the person carrying out this role. (Please clarify whether this salary is included in the answers given for Q4 and Q5).


How much was your communications budget in the financial year 2021/22?

The Communications Team is a Joint Team between the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC) and Fire and the PFCC incurs the team costs and charges Fire for these costs. The budget includes all joint staff (all of whom are employed by the PFCC) and associated communications costs. The 2021/22 budget for the PFCC after charging Fire was £166K. There is also a budget of £3,600 for the website.

How much was the actual spend in that year?

The 2021/22 spend for the PFCC after charging Fire was £112K. There is also a budget of £3,600 for the website.

What is your communications budget for the financial year 2022/23?

The 2022/23 budget for the PFCC after charging Fire is £118K. The website budget is £3,600

How many communications professionals do you employ and what is the total annual combined cost of those salaries?

All communication staff are employed by the PFCC in a Joint team for PFCC and Fire. There are five staff and all staff support Fire and the PFCC. For 22/23 the Fire charge is 50% of the Joint Head of OPFCC and Fire Communications and 75% of all other staff. For 22/23 Total costs (pay, NI and superannuation) for the five posts is £228K of which Fire pay £155K and PFCC £73K.

How many media professionals do you employ that specifically handle external communications and what is the annual cost of those salaries?

All five comms team members support external communications as part of their roles. Total cost of the roles are above.