
FOI 14082019-1 Letters To Former Prime Minister Rt Hon Theresa May MP


How many times did the PCC/Mayor write directly to the former Prime Minister Rt Hon Theresa May MP during her time in office both as prime minister and Home Secretary for the following reasons:

A: Raising concerns that budget cuts were having a detrimental effect on policing

B: Requested more money?  How much was  requested how much was given ( if any)

C: Raised concerns that budget cuts were putting officers at risk


Further to your  email, I can confirm that you information you have requested is not held by the Office of the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has not written directly to the former Prime Minister Rt Hon Theresa May MP during her time in office both as Prime Minister and Home Secretary in relation to policing funding for Northamptonshire.

The PFCC however has raised these matters directly with Government Ministers both in writing and in formal meetings and has received the support of the County’s Police, Fire and Crime Panel in his lobbying of government to recognise the inequities in the current funding formula model and how Northamptonshire does not receive a fair settlement in comparison to other forces.

The PFCC’s Annual Report also sets out the work being undertaken to address the funding issues with Northamptonshire Police. Page 32 sets out the following:

“Whilst I am pleased I have been able to invest extra funding into frontline policing, I am still concerned that the current policing funding formula is inherently unfair and penalises forces such as ours. I have continued to lobby central government to recognise the impact of the current model has on our ability to deliver effective policing across our county. Whilst understanding the range of challenges facing the Government, I remain confident that any future funding model will be more equitable and recognise the challenges facing modern policing”

A copy of the Annual Report can be downloaded here and the 2019-20 Budget can be downloaded here