
FOI 14102019-1 – OPCC Branded Merchandise


Can you please tell me the total spent on branded PCC merchandise by the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner since November 2012?

Could you furthermore tell me how many branded items have been purchased, the type of items purchased and the amount spent per year?


The information you are requesting is not held by the Office of the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner  in any reasonably retrievable form. The only means of establishing information of the nature you are requesting would be by way of manual examination of the organisation’s accounts going back to 2012.

It is my assessment that the cost of providing you with the information requested would exceed the ‘appropriate level’ as set out in the Freedom of Information (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004. To answer the request in full would require all invoices to be interrogated to determine how many branded items have been purchased, the type of items purchased and the amount spent per year. In addition to this, the OPFCC has now moved to a new accounting system which would require historic data to be requested before it could be interrogated.

My assessment is that it would take two members of staff at least two days to fully complete the years 2013-14 to 2018-19 with further time required to undertake what costs were incurred in 2012-13 and the current financial year. This would exceeds the ‘appropriate limit’ which currently stands at  £450 for ‘prescribed costs’.

In view of the above, and in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please take this letter as a Refusal Notice.

However, information pertaining to spend by the OPFCC can be found on our website at: