
FOI 23042019-1 – Office budget and Staff


The budget for Office of the PFCC for the Policing budget was 1.7 million in 2018-19 which has reduced to 1.4 million for the forthcoming year although there is now a corresponding increase of 0.4 million for the Fire Budget.

Given such a large budget for the Office of the PFCC, I would like to understand what these costs relate to and a breakdown of such costs ie staffing, office costs, travel etc.  I would also like to know the exact number of staffing employed by the Office of the PFCC and their roles within your office as the numbers do appear quite large to me for such a small police force.


The Office of the Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commissioner holds this information.

 The OPFCC budget is published on our website along with Staff Information.

The draft, unaudited set of financial accounts for the year to 31 March 2019 will be published our website at the end of this month. These accounts remain subject to change prior to final sign-off on or before 31 July 2019 and further details can found on our website.