
July 2022

Mon 4 July

  • Internal meetings
  • Police Fire and Crime Panel Briefing
  • BBC Radio interview
  • Evening County Schools Challenge

Tues 5 July

  • Monthly catch-up with Cllr Nunn
  • PDS Board meeting

Wed 6 July

  • Public Safety Portfolio Commissioning Board
  • Confirmation Hearing for Chief Fire Officer

Thus 7 July

  • Internal meeting

Fri 8 July

  • PCC Meeting
  • Fire Reform White Paper Consultation

Mon 11 July

  • Internal meetings
  • PCC Group Call

Tues 12 July

  • Fire Accountability Board
  • Police Accountability Board

Weds 13 July

  • APCC General Meeting

Thurs 14 July

  • APCC General Meeting
  • National Police Bravery Awards

Fri 15 July

  • Meeting with HMI Wilsher

Mon 25 July

  • Internal meetings
  • Police Digital Service AGM

Tues 26 July

  • Digi Van Launch
  • Internal meetings
  • Police Funding Formular review meeting

Weds 27 July

  • Meeting with DHEP student officers
  • Bi-weekly meeting with the Chief Constable
  • ITV Anglia Interview

Thus 28 July

  • PFCC meeting

Fri 29 July

  • LCJB

Sat 30 July

  • Litter pick with Northamptonshire Wombles