
OPFCC Customer Service Team Anonymisation Policy

The Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner considers that it has a duty to protect staff and their right to privacy.

There have been several incidents prior to the implementation of this policy whereby members of the public who are in regular contact with members of the OPFCC Customer Service Team have posted about them online, including their personal social media accounts and pictures.

The Customer Service Team staff have also been the victim of harassment by a complainant resulting in a risk to those staff members should that individual attempt to contact them outside of work. We therefore consider it necessary to anonymise staff details to ensure that their privacy is protected outside of the workplace.

From 08/04/2022 Customer Service Team Staff should send all correspondence from the Customer Service Team inbox ( They should include their email signatures containing their first name and collar number. This allows staff to remain on the internal directory whilst protecting their full identity externally.

Should a member of the public wish to complain about any member of the Customer Service Team, they should be provided with that member of staffs first name and collar number. This will allow for the relevant line manager to identify the staff member in question.

We do not consider that service levels will be affected by the decision not to provide members of the public with full names.

Full names of Customer Service staff should be redacted via the Subject Access and Freedom of Information processes


A copy of the policy can be downloaded here