
OPFCC Decision Record 368 – Pension Forfeiture Policy and Proceedure

Decision Taken

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has taken the decision to:

Introduce a formal policy and procedure for the consideration of pension forfeiture from Police
Officers. National guidance and legislation allow for the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner to apply
to the Secretary of State for consent to consider forfeiture of the pension rights of police officers who
are members of a police pension scheme, in certain cases where they are convicted of criminal
offences, relating to Treason, Offences under the Official Secrets Acts or other criminal matters that
relate to their service as a police officer.

The Commissioner has agreed a policy, procedure and process to do this and has taken the decision
to do so in cases where pension scheme members behaviour has fallen well below the standards
expected of a police officer, in order to:

  • Ensure pension funds are appropriately protected.
  • Act as a deterrent for further criminality within Northamptonshire Police.
  • Reassure the public that the PFCC takes matters such as criminality seriously and will pursue
    sanctions available

OPFCC Decision Record 368 – Pension Forfeiture Policy and Proceedure