
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner’s Annual Report for 2023/24

The Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 (sections 12 and 28) states that a Police and Crime Commissioner must produce an “annual report”. The annual report must report on:

a) the exercise of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s functions in the financial year, and
b) the progress which has been made in the financial year in meeting the police and crime objectives in the police and crime plan.

The Police and Crime Panel must then review the annual report and make a report outlining any recommendations to the Police and Crime Commissioner. The report or recommendations of the Panel must also be published. The Police and Crime Commissioner must provide a response to the panel and must also publish that response.

A copy of the Panel’s response can be downloaded here

PFCC’s Response

Following the publication of your response to my Annual Report, I am pleased to respond to the Panel in accordance with Section 28 (4) of Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011.

I was pleased that the Panel recognised the breadth of positive work being delivered by the OPFCC.As we continue to consult and develop the new Public Safety Plan, there will be an opportunity to further enhance how services meet the diverse needs of our rural and urban communities. I have written to partners across the county, and to the panel, to outline the framework for the new plan, which will need strong partnership working on all fronts.

Finally, it is important that our emergency services have greater financial stability rather than one-year financial settlements. I will be lobbying central government in this regard, as well as seeking opportunities for the county from new funding programmes such as the Young Futures Programme.

I would like to thank the panel for the positive and constructive response to the Annual Report and I look forward to working with you, over the coming year.

A copy of the response can be downloaded here