
Policing Precept sums – 12032018-1


  1. Office of the PC. Staff numbers/salary etc.
  2. Commissioning & Intervention-whatever that may be.
  3. PC. Plan Delivery Fund-delivery of what?


I am writing to advise you that, following a search of our paper and electronic records, I have established that some of the information you requested is held by the Office of the Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commissioner.

1. Office of the PC. Staff numbers/salary etc.

Details of the OPCC budget for 2018-19 can be found on our website at: Budget Information

Details of the OPCC’s staff can be found at: Office and Staff Information

2. Commissioning & Intervention-whatever that may be.

Commissioning includes the widest range of services, the majority of which include: adult and junior voice for victims and witnesses, the Sexual Advice Referral Centre and support for domestic violence and treatment services, offset by a grant from the Ministry of Justice of £0.0.848m, Proceeds of Crime Grant of £20k and Police property Fund of £30k. In 2018/19, this budget includes £1m for custody healthcare, the majority of which was transferred from the Force. Early Intervention includes contributions to Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children’s Board and the Youth Offending Service. Plans are also being developed to support early intervention initiatives for consultancy support to Early Intervention localities and investment in youth work and county coordination

3. PC.Plan Delivery Fund-delivery of what?

The Police and Crime plan sets out the PCC’s strategic priorities for policing in Northamptonshire and it can be read online.

The £0.25m in this year’s budget will create a new Police and Crime Plan Delivery Fund which will help the PCC deliver his priorities which are set out in the plan. With regard to your concerns relating to the new offices and the finances of Northamptonshire County Council, this is not a matter for the PCC. This is a matter for the council themselves and details of how they can be contacted can be found at: