
Providing Assistance, Administrative, Professional or Technical Services

Information in relation to the duty of the Chief Constable of Northamptonshire to provide assistance to the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner

The Chief Constable of Northamptonshire Police assists the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner by making available resources delegated to the Force by the Commissioner.

These include:

  • Estates, including the accommodation for the Northamptonshire Office for Policing and Crime;
  • Information, Communication and Technology Services, including website hosting;
  • Legal Services;
  • Human Resources;
  • Treasury management, finance and exchequer services;
  • Legal Services;
  • Organisation and Service Development, including planning functions;
  • Corporate Services, including Design and Print Services;
  • Learning and Development;
  • Media, Communications and Marketing support;
  • And other resources on which the office of the Police , Fire and Crime Commissioner may call upon from time to time.


Information in relation to the power of local authorities to provide administrative, professional or technical services to the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner: