
12112020-1- Information about PFCC staff


Can you advise how many staff the incumbent P.C.C has to efficiently run the PCC office.

Can you advise how many Police are used in the PCC office?

Can you advise if the PCC office conducts its own FOI requests.

Can you advise if the Police conduct  the PCC FOI requests.


I am writing to advise you that, following a search of our paper and electronic records, I have established that the information you requested is held by the Office of the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.


  • Can you advise how many staff the incumbent P.C.C has to efficiently run the PCC office.

Details of our staffing can be found at:


  • Can you advise how many Police are used in the PCC office?


  • Can you advise if the PCC office conducts its own FOI requests.


  • Can you advise if the Police conduct  the PCC FOI requests.

Northamptonshire Police do not undertake FOI request on behalf of the OPFCC