
FOI Request 18042023-1 – Temporary Labour Usage in your police force


Please can you provide me with the following information for the most recent complete fiscal year:

  • Total number of temporary workers engaged by your organization, broken down by department or function, if possible.
  • Total annual expenditure on temporary workers, including a breakdown of costs by department or function, if possible.
  • Total number of agency suppliers (Preferred Suppliers/non-Preferred Suppliers) in your organisation’s labour supply chain

 Details of any existing Managed Service Programme or Provider (MSP) and/or Vendor Management System (VMS) used to manage temporary workers:

  • Name of the MSP and VMS.
  • Date the contract was awarded.
  • Date of contract expiration.
  • Name of the government procurement framework through which the MSP and VMS were procured.

 Details of any upcoming retendering or renewal processes related to your MSP and VMS contracts: 

  • Anticipated date for the retendering or renewal process to commence.
  • Name and contact information of the person responsible for overseeing the retendering or renewal process.


the information you requested is not held by the Office of the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.


  • Total number of temporary workers engaged by your organization, broken down by department or function, if possible. Zero
  • Total annual expenditure on temporary workers, including a breakdown of costs by department or function, if possible. £0
  • Total number of agency suppliers (Preferred Suppliers/non-Preferred Suppliers) in your organisation’s labour supply chain Zero


I think it important to explain that the vision of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner is that police and fire services in Northamptonshire share professional services where they can, so that both benefit from consistent, high-quality support. This drives improvement, helps deliver the mission to keep the county safe and provides good value for money. The teams that have come together under the umbrella of Enabling Services so far are:


  • Estates and Facilities
  • HR
  • Digital and Technology
  • Finance
  • Fleet and workshops


Information regarding human resources is therefore the responsibility of the Enabling Services Team, so the OPFCC does not hold any of the information you have requested. Northamptonshire Police’s Information Unit may hold some of the information you are seeking. If you have not already done so, then you may wish to write to their Freedom of Information and Data Protection Team, Information Unit, Force Headquarters, Wootton Hall, Northampton, NN4 0JQ /