
FOI Request 18072023-1 – Interim Chief Officer of Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue


“All information relating to and including the legal advice regarding the appointment of Nicci Marzec as Interim Chief Officer of Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue?”


I can confirm that the OPFCC does hold the information requested, however we are not obliged, under section 40(2) of the Act, to provide information that is the personal information of another person if releasing would contravene any of the provisions in the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). In this instance we believe that the release of this information would contravene the first data protection principle and therefore section 40 (2) is engaged. The terms of this exemption in the Freedom of Information Act mean that we do not have to consider whether or not it would be in the public interest for you to have the information.

The information is attached to this email as a PDF document.