FOI 25072023-1 – Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme
Please provide the following information for your Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme for the 2022/2023 Financial Year
- The Name/Title/Scope of the commissioned programme in your area
- The total number of males who self-referred into the programme
- The total number of self-referred males who were accepted onto the programme
- The total number of self-referred males who have completed the programme
- The total number of males referred by an agency (e.g., police, social service etc.) into the programme
- The total number of referred males who were accepted on to the programme
- The total number of referred males who have completed the programme
- The names of the organisations who have made a referral to the programme
Link to evaluation of programme efficacy:
- Financial Contributors:
(Inclusive of Statutory, Non-Statutory Organisations and individual voluntary donations)
- Budget inclusive of Running Costs
I can confirm the Office of the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner holds the information which I have set out below:
- The Name/Title/Scope of the commissioned programme in your area : Project PIPA. Delivered by RISE Mutual CIC. Short DA perpetrator programme delivered for men and women subject to a Conditional Caution for standard and medium risk DA perpetrators. Delivered under special dispensation by the Director of Public Prosecutions.
- The total number of males who self-referred into the programme : None – self referrals are not accepted
- The total number of self-referred males who were accepted onto the programme : 0
- The total number of self-referred males who have completed the programme : 0
- The total number of males referred by an agency (e.g., police, social service etc.) into the programme : 148
- The total number of referred males who were accepted on to the programme : 148
- The total number of referred males who have completed the programme : 110 – but please note this is the number who completed between April 2022 – March 2023. There would be some starters in this period who were still attending the programme but had not yet completed.
- The names of the organisations who have made a referral to the programme : Northants Police
Link to evaluation of programme efficacy:
- Financial Contributors:
(Inclusive of Statutory, Non-Statutory Organisations and individual voluntary donations) Northants OPFCC
- Budget inclusive of Running Costs Up to £50,000 per year