
FOI 01082023-1 – Funding for Policing in Northamptonshire


  1. the total income for Northamptonshire policing split between government funding and council tax;
  2. the amount that the inhabitants of Daventry contribute to the latter, either as an amount or as a percentage.


I can confirm that the OPFCC holds some of the information you requested. In 2023/24, Northamptonshire will receive funding of £168.6m to deliver Policing services. This is an increase of £8.2m on the previous year to support the additional police officers recruited. Of this amount, around 45% (£76.2m) comes from local taxpayers with the balance of 55% (£92.4m) coming from central government in the form of police and pension grants.

In relation to amount the inhabitants of Daventry contribute to the latter, either as an amount or as a percentage, this information is not held by the OPFCC as information relating to amounts raised by local authorities only covers the two unitary authorities, namely North Northamptonshire Council and West Northamptonshire Council.

West Northamptonshire Council may hold the information you have requested, and they can be contact by following the link below: