
FOI 08092023-1 – CFO Legal Advice


PFCC Stephen Mold sought legal advice from a firm in Derbyshire allowing him to unilaterally and independently from the PFCC panel, appoint an Interim Chief Fire Officer on 7.7.23. under the freedom of information act can you let me know how much this legal advice cost?


“PFCC Stephen Mold sought legal advice from a firm in Derbyshire allowing him to unilaterally and independently from the PFCC panel, appoint an Interim Chief Fire Officer on 7.7.23. under the freedom of information act can you let me know how much this legal advice cost?”

I can confirm that The PFCC sought legal advice on the need to undertake a confirmation hearing for a temporary arrangement from East Midlands Police Legal Services (EMLS). EMLS provides advice to Police (Fire) and Crime Commissioners, Chief Constables and Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service across all five forces in the East Midlands region in areas such as employment, court and disciplinary, civil litigation and commercial law.

There was no direct cost to obtain the advice. EMPLS is funded by each of the 5 police force areas who make up the collaboration. The amount payable is based on an agreed funding formula used for all regional collaboration which see’s Northamptonshire contribute 14.8% % as its share for 2023-24.