
FOI 06102023-1 – Nick Adderley conflict of interest reporting of a business interest


I write regarding the limited company of:

EMPIRE NORTHAMPTON LIMITED Company number 10895181 of 109 Cecil Road Northampton NN2

Mr Nick Adderley was appointed as director in 2022, I wish to know what, if any, disclosures he made to declare conflict of interests regarding his directorship of this business, before during or after his appointment and termination as a director.

If disclosures were made to PFCC for oversight please confirm:

The nature of this business and how Nick Adderley after being appointed as CC of Northampton needed to take on a directorship and if his running of this business conflicted or impacted with his abilities to perform his duties as CC.

The relationship between Nick Adderley and the other named directors, specifically if any background checks were performed on the directors Tomas Cizas and Piotr Buba to determine if it was deemed in the public interest for Nick Adderley to have a public business relationship with these individuals and other shell company of Car Technology Limited.

Please confirm if Nick Adderley’s disclosures fall in line with any established procedure and where possible please supply the procedure.


I can confirm that the Office of the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner does not hold the information you have requested. It is important to understand that The Office of the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (OPFCC) and Northamptonshire Police are two separate legal entities. Information regarding the registering of business interests for all police officers and staff is the responsibility of Northamptonshire Police, therefore the OPFCC does not hold any of the information you have requested.

Details of business interests held by Northamptonshire Police can be found online by following the link below:

Northamptonshire Police’s Information Unit may also hold some of the information you are seeking. If you have not already done so, then you may wish to write to their Freedom of Information and Data Protection Team, Information Unit, Force Headquarters, Wootton Hall, Northampton, NN4 0JQ /