
FOI 23052024-1 – Grants Awarded for Services to Victims of Stalking


Can you provide details of grants awarded in the financial years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024:

  • For which at least one of the outputs/outcomes was to provide services to victims of stalking. This could be any service to help victims such as counselling, information and advice, or casework; or address perpetrator offending such as perpetrator intervention programmes, however there must be specific reference to working with victims of stalking.
  • Please provide details of the grant including the amount, the service provider, the services provided and the specific stalking outcome/output.
  • Please indicate with a y/n if the service is open to victims of stalking who are not ex-intimate in the table below.


I can confirm that the Office of the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (OPFCC) does not hold any information in relation to your request because the OPFCC has to date not receive any applications for grants specifically related to stalking or stalking based support.

The OPFCC does have stalking support embedded within its victim’s service Voice, but this would not be covered by the term grant. Currently the Sunflower Centre offers support to all victims of stalking – both intimate and non.  They have an ISAC trained SIDVA but the team are all able to support.  However, this is not a specific grant but falls within the scope of service delivery.

In addition to this, Northamptonshire Police utilise RISE who cover stalking and harassment with offenders as part of a low and medium risk domestic abuse related conditional caution, which will indirectly support victims.